Today Many developments in the past 24 hours. A Hulong Transglobal document today reveals that not all is well within IQTech Research. It seems an operator within the organization named Avril Lorazon is working against Zeke Calvin&#rsquo;s informal truce with Hank Johnson to assist Carrie Campbell and foil Visur Technology in Hamburg during Operation #Voynich. Intelligence released by Thomas Greanias revealed that Hank in fact does not plan to be in Hamburg, and has other plans in place to protect Carrie. An audio file I was able to uncover earlier today confirms the veracity of this document. To top it all off, the London Enlightened today released the contents of the package containing Shaper Glyphs that they had come into possession of at Operation #TimeZero. The net effect this will have on all of us remains unknown. My question for today, (a passcode to all who help build a meaningful discussion); Now that the Glyphs are out in the open, what will happen? What do they mean, if anything? What power do they hold? Given that neither the corporations nor we as Investigators have an advantage over each other, how will their supposed &#rsquo;power&#rsquo; be exploited? Felicia Hajra-Lee&#rsquo;s novel The Niantic Project; Ingress is available on Google Play and in the Amazon e-book store. -PAC